
I'm Pickled

4 weeks ago I came home from work to find that Geoff had bought cucumbers for me to make dill pickles, of course it had to be on a Monday. Dutiful little Hausfrau that I am, I immediately washed them...
...and put them into the "crock". in my case, a large plastic bucket made for fermenting homemade beer. Note, making ones own beer is fun once or twice, but is a lot of work, especially the part where you have to bottle it.

After fermenting for 4 weeks it was time to bottle them.
20 quarts of dill pickles ready for the winter. That's a lot of hamburgers to look forward to.


Basti said...

Did you sometimes miss the orignial "Spreewaldgurke"?
Right now, after i see your pickled pictures, i can taste them on my tongue...

thanks for the heisshunger :-)

cute little Hausfrau!

Mary Malloy said...

I often create some "Schüttelgurke" in the summer months, and hmmmm, yours look like they wanna coquer and then rule the world overnight!


Lars said...

Basti, Spreewaldgurken sehen ja wie meinen aus. Kann nur glauben dass die amerikanischen Version kommt von die deutschen Einwandern. Danke für die Blumen, als Hausfrau muss ich doch "cute" ertragen weil schön steht mir nicht;)

Mary, Schüttelgurke, we call them refrigerator pickles. The recipe I saw on the web uses mustard, which sounds good, I've always used sourcream though. Maybe a combination of the two.

MartininBroda said...

Na ich würde sagen, Du bist einfach so etwas ähnliches wie eine sehr liebe und fürsorgliche Hausfrau, auf jeden Fall fleißig, machst Du da eigentlich keine Zwiebeln mit rein?

Lars said...

Ja Martin, gibts ein Zwiebel, aber nur eins die sind ja Dill Pickles und nicht Zwiebel Pickles;P