
A psychosomatic knee?

My knee has been twinging today, it hasn't completely given out on me, but it's being problematic.
I think that it realizes that I have 5 floors to set in the next week and is not happy with the thought of how much time I'll be spending on my knees, (wipe that smirk off your face Zing, I don't mean it that way.) Luckily they are very small floors so it won't be too bad.


Frau Vau said...

'tschuldigung, dass ich grinsen muss - liegt nur an dem Kommentar in klammern.... jetzt bin ich jedenfalls wach..!
Gute Besserung fürs Knie - für was auch immer Sie es brauchen!

Anonymous said...

Hey yeahh i know i´m a dirty old man but i just can´t do shit about thinking like that. A couple of days ago i went out with friends and Jenny (also american) mentioned something about a golden shower and well i was bursting out laughing ... that´s what happens when you watch porn just for entertainment purposes.
And the knee, well i can totally feel with you when it comes to knee trouble remember my right knee is a total extreme cyborg limb. So take care and wear some kneepads.

Günter said...

Probleme bei den Knien sind wirklich ernst zu nehmen und es ist ratsam dieses wirklich beim Onkel Doktor abklären zu lassen (vielleicht ist dieser auch fesch)

Lars said...

Frau Vau. na, grinsen tut man aber gut.

Zing, Already a dirty old man at tour age? I shudder to think what it will be like when you're my age ;P

Günter, mein Arzt ist nicht so fesch, ich vermute aber er wurde mir sagen das ich nicht auf die Knien gehen soll.