
Yahoo! Es wird noch geschehen!

Wie Ihr vielleicht euch erinnert es gab doch Zweifel.
Heute bekam ich diese E-mail.

"Hello Everyone, I just wanted to remind you that you are registered for:Windsor Chairmaking with Curtis Buchanan starting August 11th. It would appear that I dropped the ball in collecting balances from everyone because I wasn't sure if the class would run. So, it's happening and so now I need to collect! Please let me know if you would like me to send you a Paypal invoice for your balance (Bob E, your fine.) You can also send in a check. We don't take credit cards here at the Studio so if you want to pay that way it needs to go through Paypal.I'm attaching the tool list again. Curtis has requested that I let him know what tools students might be missing. He's planning on bringing some tools to make up for any lack but, not surprisingly, is trying to travel as light as possible. Make sure the tools you are bringing are tuned up and ready to go."

Vorher Hier erwähnt.
Windsor Chairmaking with Curtis BuchananAugust 11-15, 9AM to 4PM, Intermediate-Advanced level
The tool list for this class is available here in pdf format.
The Windsor chair is a symbol of old style American craftsmanship. Build a Continuous Arm Windsor Chair using traditional tools and methods. Learn to use a draw knife and spokeshave to shape your spindles and backs from riven green oak. The backs are bent so you’ll also get practice with steam bending techniques. Learn to carve your seat from eastern white pine using a scorp, travishers and scrapers. Legs and stretchers are pre-turned from hard maple. This course will give a wealth of traditional chairmaking techniques with one of this country’s best Windsor makers.
Der Lars freut sich so sehr!!! Ja, gerade nach er dies las holte er noch ein Bier aus dem Kuhlschrank und ging draussen ins garten und eine kippe anzundete und , TANZTE. Ach, jetzt muss ich meine Stricken beiseite legen und ins Werkstatt gehen um die Werkzeuge zu schleifen. Tut mir doch Leid... Nicht!
Diese Klasse lauft nur jede zweites Jahr in Portland, letztes Mal musste ich absagen weil so vieles für mich schieff ging, und dass dieses Jahr es gab doch die Möglichkeit das es würde nicht laufen wegen mangelnde Anmeldern war mir sehr peinlich.
Ach! Ich muss wieder tanzen, und vielleicht auch singen....ooooohhh... muss ich auch gehen mehrere Bieren und Zigarretten zu kaufen. Kann doch nicht früh schlafen gehen.


tyndra said...

super! glückwunsch :)

Anonymous said...

hey lars - this a good news. i can imagine how exited you are.

Lars said...

Danke Tyndra.

#5, thanks, yes I am very excited. Even though I have to wait another week fo it to begin. That's probably good though as I need to work on sharpening the tools I have and decide which of the ones I don't have I need to buy. I just hate having to buy tools;D

Anonymous said...

so glad for you :)
hope to see many nice pics!

Lars said...

Ricciolina, I'll probably bore you all to tears for that entire week.