
Karmic comeuppance

(sowieso wohlverdiente Strafe auf Deutsch)
Having had hernia surgery now for the second time i'm having to learn to ask for help rather than just doing things myself, whether I should or not. It's extra punishment though when I have to ask the non-gay guy, that I've always been manlier than, to lift something for me. This could turn out to be more painful for me than the surgery.


MartininBroda said...

Oh mein Gott, armes Kind, warum nur machen wir jemanden zum Kind, wenn er in einer besch... Lage ist. Alles Gute für dich.

Lars said...

Danke Martin.

Jazz said...

Best wishes, Lars! I hope you will recover soon.
BTW, a sore ego may be just as painful but is by far healthier than hernia surgery...

Zing said...

What a bummer, is there no on else you can ask? Btw. when i had my back broken in the beginning it was that bad, that one day i had to ask my aunt to help me put on my socks, i´m 30years old, goddamn, i totally can feel with you.
Hope you´ll feel better soon.

Günter said...

Es gibt die verschiedensten Hilfsmittel für solche Dinge
zum Beispiel Sockenanzieher :),Andere-Mode-Accessoires,Sockenanzieher-und-Strumpfanzieher

Lars said...

Thanks Jazz. I've always not had the patience to find someone, much less wait on someone to help me. It's a hard lesson, and evidently, one I've had to learn the hard way.

Zing, at least she didn't need to help you with your underwear^^

Günter, das werde ich erinnern müssen, falls ich es je brauche.