Ihr wisst ja das meine Schwester kommt, samt Ehemann und Enkelsohn. Jetzt will meine Nichte auch mitkommen, samt zwei Kinder. Also, drei Erwachsene, vier wenn die Schwesters Schwiegermutter auch kommt, und drei Kinder. Mir ist es selbstverständlich dass die Allen werden Irgendwo in mein Haus schlafen. Andere Leute aber glauben dass sei verrückt, die sollen sich in ein Hotel verstecken. Partner ist ausser sich, er bringt sich aber langsam wieder zur Besinnung.
Er soll doch wissen das meine Familie ist, wenn nur ein Bisschen, wahnsinnig.
Vor etwa 6 oder 7 Woche kam es ein Telefonanruf. Bruder war in Portland und wollte wissen ob wir wollten mit ihm essen gehen. Keine Vorwarnung, es gibt doch nicht genug Zeit wenn man von Nevada fahren musste;) Die ältere Schwester hat dass Selbe vor ein paar Jahre getan. Eine Tage eine Stimme durch die Hecke rufte ob ich da sei. Es war Schwester, aus Montana.
Weder Schwester noch Bruder waren in Oregon mir zu besuchen aber so lange sie Hier waren sollten sie sehen ob ich zu Hause wäre. Partner soll sich nur freuen das die jungere Schwester gibt Vorwarnung;P
Wahrscheinlich wuchs ich nicht auf diese Planete auf
erdacht von Lars um Thursday, July 16, 2009
Labels: Family
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Unverhofft kommt oft! ;-)
Montana, Nevada, Mexico... you folks there are keen on travelling. One just could believe you´re all thinking that almost everyplace is better than the one you grew up.
The american countryside must be pretty emptied.
G. Soll ich denn öfter verhoffen? ;D
Both sisters and my dad still live in Montana where I grew up. My sisters in-laws are ethnicly mexican but they've been in the U.S. for generations, luckily they haven't forgotten how to cook though ;D
Germany= 232 people per km2
U.S.= 31 people per km2
Well, at least i wasn´t too wrong with the countryside. Just looked up population here and found it at 378 per km² in town and 257 in the greater area. Beg your pardon for getting quite off topic now :-)
Nevertheless moving around seems to be a typically american thing, i remember a friend who told me that in many towns there is no genuine neighbourhood according to the high fluctuations of their residents. Here you´ll just find that in cities where lots of students are living. In Germany it´s still the usual thing to keep a house for your lifetime, in the United States it´s usual (i was told so) to start with a "beginners house" have an "advanced" then, when you´re with children and have another one for your retirement, small enough, that your meanwhile divorced, single parent children can´t come back with your grandchildren to live again with you :-)
So would you say, thats an everyday thing even in smaller towns or only common for cities with universities and mostly office jobs?
Orinoko, that is a very interesting, and complex, question.
A lot of thoughts spring to mind and I would like to take a day or two and give your question some thought before fully responding. First and foremost though, America is a nation of immigrants, most people's ancestors came from Europe hoping to find a better life. We are the descendants of restless people looking for something better. Witness the migration westward across the north american continent.
My families history is a great, great grandfather that joined the Mormon church in Denmark in order to get passage to America. His son then moved to Wyoming for a piece of land to call his own, with his American born bride of Swiis parentage. My father moved us to Montana seeking better job opportunities, he is still there and the better jobs never were. I moved to Oregon for a life that was free of the prejudices and biases of small city Montana.
My mothers family came to America in 1651 as scottish prisoners of war transported by the English before they lost the colonies and had to go to Australia to dump their refuse. My Grandmothers father was the last of 21 children born as his family moved westward to Missouri, when that was the westernmost frontier of the U.S. he didn't even know most of his siblings. He then moved his family to Wyoming in search of a better life. A Farm of his own and a place to leave whatever was in Missouri behind.
More directly to the question.
Many people do buy "starter" homes here and then sell and buy into upgrades. My Parents never actually owned a home, we always lived in Rentals. Both my Grandmothers though lived in homes they owned and occupied until it was not possible to maintain them as widows.
Geoff and I have lived in our house for 12 years, we bought in a bad neighborhood where we could afford to buy and worked to make the neighborhood better, we have no plans to sell and upgrade. The house just across the street thogh has had for 4 owners in the same amount of time. All of them moving on to a bigger better house.
Ach Orinoko, it seems you have hit on a subject that could keep me writing for days ;) I will stop for now though.
In closing, we as Americans are the children of dissatisfied peoples that went searching for something better and we are still searching for that elusive, and probably unattainable, "American Dream".
abenteuerlich! ;)
[ich verstehe deinen partner. ich kann unangemeldeten besuch auch nicht leiden *g*]
Tyndra, wenn ich je nach Østerreich reise werde ich mich früh anmelden ;)
sehr gerne :)
Deine kurze Reise durch die amerikanische Psyche & Familiengeschichte war wirklich beeindruckend. Ihr seid also die Abkömmlinge unzufriedener Menschen, denen die Unruhe daher in den Genen steckt, interessant.
Gut das klingt jetzt etwas flapsig, aber ehrlich gesagt fand ich das wirklich interessant.
Übrigens ist es tatsächlich nett, daß du mich in deine Linkliste aufgenommen hast, ich glaube, da fehlt nur ein "in" nach dem Martin, dieses Broda ist nämlich die eher künstliche Vorortsiedlung, von der ich geschrieben hatte.
Martin, jetzt mit noch ein "in" ;)
der Amiländerischen Mentalität ist ja nicht leicht zu erklären, dies ist aber ein Teil meine heutigen Theorie.
Es gibt auch Leute die mögen es nicht das wir uns als "Americans" bezeichnen weil es gibt viele Länder in die "Amerikas". Na denn wie sonst sollen wir uns nennen? Wir haben keine einfache Bezeichnung so wie Deutsch, Brazilian, Canadian, u.s.w.
Unitedstatesofamerican ist doch ein Bisschen Plump, oder? ;D
So, first a thank you for this detailled answer. Sending my comment i had some qualms to spread out here too much. Glad to hit a point of interest :-)
I really not considered the obivous genetical burden you all have to bear with nomads as ancestors :-)
By the way, enjoy the time with your visitors.
we share the same nomadic European ancestors;) Perhaps it the more strongly genetic, or perhaps it is ingrained more in the psyche, nomadic europeans that left and came to this continent.
HI Lars,
bin zufällig auf deinen Blog gestossen und habe deinen letzten Eintrag amüsiert gelesen. Ich muss sagen, ich liebe Besuch, aber dann doch bitte rechtzeitg vorher angemeldet..
by the way, mein Bruder ist auch so einer, der plötzlich einfach so vor der Tür steht :D
Ich schau nun öfter mal bei dir rein :)
LG Sandra
Herzlich Wilkommen Sandra,
ist aber nicht so schlecht wann die nicht mehr als ein paar Stunde bleiben. Um zu übernachten soll es aber eine vorhändige Anmeldung geben, und jungere Schwester hat das schön getan;) So eine Familie als meine hat Partner aber niezuvor getroffen. nach 19 jahre wurde man aber denken er hätte sich dran angewohnt sollten ;P
Also wenn du mal in Deutschland sein solltest, klopf ruhig. Auch spontan. Bier ist immer kalt gestellt;-)
Danke Totti! Wenn Du Mal in Portland bist ist die Bier auch immer kalt gestellt.
hehe i´m so happy that i´m not the only one in the world that has a family like that ... it took me years to teach my little brother to at least call me an hour or two before he´s at my my doorstep.
And the rest of my family is not much better, thank good i have no partner that gets upset when all of a sudden family folks is at the door and wants to stay for a night or two. But they are no americans what are they searching for? But the worst thing about sudden visits from family members is, you have to let them in no matter how messy your apartment looks at that moment, most of the time mine is really okay but there are days when i´m back from a business trip etc. where i really don´t want anyone to see the mess. Is your home always clean enough to welcome guests?
And if you ever happen to be in germany you can always drop by i have well sorted bar ... if you don´t mind my cats teasing you.
Zing, my house is almost never clean enough for guests. Neither Geoff nor I will ever recieve the "good Housekeeping seal of approval" ;) I have 9 days until my sister shows up, that might be enough time to at least make the house semi-presentable.
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