
It's time to build another chair.

Last year I took a windsor chair building class and built this chair. Story here.
Now, a fullyear and a week later it's time to use that knowledge, all by myself with no instructor. And starting with totally raw materials, no pre-turned legs or already split out spindle stock.
Here the draw knife, shaving horse and spokeshave that I'll be using to shape the legs and spindles.

The pieces of yellow Pine and the various tools it will take to carve the seat, bore the spindle holes, etc.

An overall view of the various raw materials and tools.
Froe, axe, splitting wedges and pounding tools for getting the raw materials to a working stage.
The approximate expected finished project.
I've got some maple, yew, cherry and holly wood. The piece of yew that is curved is what I expect to turn into the arms of my chair. I'll be using a band saw to cut these pieces
and an electric planer to do most of the smoothing of the seat blank before carving. Otherwise it will be almost entirely built with hand tools.
I'll keep you apprised of the process, progress and result. I expect it's going to take a while.


Pathologe said...

Das sieht nach einer nachsommerlichen Herbstbeschaeftigung aus. Herr Lars zieht sich in seine Arbeitshoehle zurueck.

Passendes Wort unten: *caver sp*

Lars said...

Herr Peh, jetzt dass die Sommerhitze fast vorbei ist es soll im Garten zu arbeiten sehr angenehm sein.

ZiZi said...

Sieht alles seeeeehr interessant aus! Ich bin schon sehr gespannt auf deinen neuen Stuhl!

Liebe Grüsse - ZiZi

Lars said...

ZiZi, bin auch gespannt;)
Ich hoffe er wird mindestens wie ein Stuhl aussehen.

Günter said...

Ich bin immer wieder beeindruckt von deinen Aktivitäten im Sesselbau

Berenice... said...

Beautiful!very very prety!
From Brasil.