More than 200 people show up for bring-your-gun-to-church day. (click)
Ken Pagano, the pastor of the New Bethel Church in Louisville, KY, recently invited his congregation to bring their unloaded firearms into the house of worship to “celebrate our rights as Americans!”He shoots regularly at the local firing range, and his sermon two weeks ago was on “God, Guns, Gospel and Geometry.”
Pagano, well some would say his name is program, in every way he´s good for a controversy discussion.
Uh, the capture now is "roomante"
Orinoko, i adn't even noticed that his name was a form of pagan, thanks for pointing it out.
Hmmm... "roomante", a romantic room mate? Or maybe, pokerspeak,
Ante up your money and buy guns for this room full of shithouseratcrazygood ol' boys.
One always hears that alcohol and firearms don't mix, I say though that firearms and religion in combination have killed a thousand times more peolple.
I´m sorry but i really hadf to laugh about it when i read about it because i was at the church potluck of my mums church community at the weekend (i just dropped by for the food) and i just imagined all those people with guns ... yes the americans and their guns that´s a very strange love affair. By the way do you own any guns Lars?
From a european point of view that ´s totally crazy but i think the americans just got used to it and i can understand that you don´t want to give up your rights on something u are just used to (somehow) and even i can´t say i never was at a shooting range.
No Zing, I don't have a gun. My dad did offer to give me my mom's gun after she died but I decided I'd rather remain gunless. I prefer that the weapons in my house be sharp tools that I can use for building things.
Keine Schusswaffen, keine Schüsse
Ja Günther, wer eine hat der will auch damit schiessen...
und dann treffen die sich alle in der Kirche zum großen Halali oder was? Einsegnung der Waffen, die erlegte Strecke (the downhunted quarry) zur grösseren Ehre des Herrn?
Um was für eine Art von Segen mögen die da wohl bitten und wer sind die Bösen?
Und dann auch einige Tagen später kam die Nachricht dass einige Eltern lassen ihrem Kind sterben weil sie wollten das es nur durch Beten geheilt wird, kein Arzt. Es kamen mehrere Kirchemitgliedern um mit zu beten aber das kind starb.
Ich bin zwar nicht gegen Freiheit der religion aber wo fingen die Gemeinsamerechte der Allen an und enden die eigenes Rechten der Einzigen? Die Antwort weiss ich nicht.
"For every fatal shooting, there were roughly three non-fatal shootings. And, folks, this is unacceptable in America. It's just unacceptable. And we're going to do something about it."
--George W. Bush Philadelphia, Penn., May 14, 2001
Can this be true? Did he really wanted them to have more practice?
Orinoko, we can only hope that, as usual, he spoke without thinking and not that he wanted more of the shootings to result in death.
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